10. The Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound - I've always been into the classic rock/punk sound and when this album came out, it was great to hear a band revisit that and do it so well on every song.
9. Girl Talk - Feed the Animals - My friend turned me onto Girl Talk a while ago because they are from the same hometown and I've always been skeptical about how I felt about mash ups until I gave this album a chance and heard how seamlessly every clip fit together to sound like brand new material.
8. Santogold - Santogold - I was originally turned onto this album after hearing Diplo's remix of the song 'Starstruck,' but when I listened to the album, digs she takes at hipster culture and the music industry in general (she used to work in a&r - fun fact) on top of the grooves that play throughout the record made it especially relevant to me.
7. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend - When we were recording, there was an issue of NME with these guys on the cover and some of the guys in the studio suggested we check them out. The song "M79" was a quick favorite, but I think the album as a whole is awesome.
6. Portishead - Third - I love everything about the eery noises on this record and how haunting Beth Gibbons voice still sounds after taking 11 years to record this record. It's not a record I have in constant rotation but you can't deny a band who took 11 years to put out a record and still sound like they never lost a step.
5. Deerhunter - Microcastle - I only heard about Deerhunter this year when I heard they were opening for Nine Inch Nails this summer. I checked them out because I was a fan of "The Slip," but this album sounds nothing like what I would expect from an opener of NIN. Regardless of that, this album is a great mixture of noise and pop and is easy to listen to all the way through.
4. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago - This is one of those records where in order to fully appreciate it, you have to learn the story of what went into it's writing and recording. Brendan explains it a little further in his list but this is basically the result of being locked away in a cabin in the woods after having your heart broken. It's an album about self examination and personal discovery and that's what makes it so important to this year in music.
3. TV on the Radio - Dear Science - I heard this album literally three days before making this list and I think I would have been pretty upset with myself if I didn't put it on here. I was a huge fan of "Return to
2. Sigur Ros - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust - This band has been a big deal to me ever since I heard the song "Stararflur" in that scene at the end of the life aquatic. I always found it so interesting how in their more recent releases they created their own language of jibberish to fit melody on top of. Either way, this isn't a huge departure from their previous releases but sonically, it's much different than what I ever remember them doing before and it made it interesting to listen to.
1. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes - I heard first heard this band on my local college radio station and decided to check out the album. I didn't know who the song I heard was by until a little later but when I found out, I picked up the album. It's good to hear a full album of songs that remind me why I like this type of music in the first place.
Brendan Walter (Guitar) Top 10 of 2008:
10. TV On The Radio - Dear Science - I have been a fan of TvOTR for a long time and this is definitely the best they've done. Just great songs and a really well put together album.
9. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular - A friend of mine showed me some demos from this band a while back and I really enjoyed them. One of those songs was Time To Pretend and after hearing it I saw they were touring with Of Montreal and Grand Buffet and went to see them. I really enjoyed them and then eventually got the album after it came out. there are a few spotty tracks but overall definitely great.
8. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend - While we were recording our album earlier this year, Vampire Weekend was just starting to explode. Since we were in LA they would be all over the radio and the buzz of everyone talking about them made me want to check them out. I missed their in-store at Amoeba but I went over there afterwards and picked up the album and I kind of dig it. Reminds me of old ska or something like that... but a few really cool songs on this album.
7. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago - This album was shown to me by a friend while I was visiting him. He told me the story of how this guy went into the woods to heal after several failed musical attempts and reltationships with no intentions of writing. He stayed for quite a while and ended up writing some really beatiful music and recording this album that would be everywhere. It's a great story and a really good album.
6. Why? - Alopecia - Elephan Eyelash was such a good album, so I naturally had high expectations for Alopecia. When I got the record I was sure it was going to ruin this band for me, but it went above and beyond my expectations. The same witty (maybe wittier) lyrics of the last album and cool rythms and rhymes.
5. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes - This album was introduced to me when I was searching on the r5 site for shows to go to when I got home from tour this summer. They offer a few sample mp3's from every band. I was going to miss this show and had heard this name so many times that I thought I would check it out. Needless to say, White Winter Hymnal was stuck in my head for weeks and I picked up the rest of the album and it really impressed me. It feels like it was recorded in another time.
4. Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs - It's safe to say that I like almost everything Ben Gibbard ever writes or sings on. He does a great job of capturing a certain mood and writing lyrics that you can relate to pretty easily. There isn't a Death Cab album that I don't enjoy and this is no exception. I bought it on a trip to
2. No Age - Nouns - This album really struck me the first time I heard it. I hopped on the subway and walked down to Repo Records specifically to buy this record the week it came out. I hadn't really been into their last album so much, but I liked it. This one blew me away. It was so much more than just a few songs thrown together, it is an album. There are really cool interludes and there are really interesting tones that they used. They are so noisy and yet everything has it's place and can be heard. I would love to go see this band live, it would only enhance the experience. My favorite song - "Teen Creeps".
1. Radiohead - In Rainbows - There's not much to say here. I believe it was on my list last year as well. However, there is a loophole! The physical release was in January of 2008. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite Radiohead albums. There is no gimmick, no propaganda just really great songs performed and recorded as well as they ever could be. I also saw them live this summer and it was definitely the best show I've ever been to, along with their awesome videos just rekindled my love for this band. My favorite song - "Nude".
J.D. Perry (Guitar) Top 10 of 2008
1) John Mayer - Where The Light Is
This is one of the best live CD's I've heard in a while and the solo's are unreal.
2) AC/DC - Black Ice
Huge musical influence on my life. How could this not be in my top 5?
3) Weezer - Weezer
Weezer never fails at being Weezer.
4) Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Such a great album to sit back and relax to. Very epic.
5) Bayside - Shudder
Touring with Bayside for a month made me appreciate their music that much more.
6) Matt Pryor - Confidence Man
This CD was on constant repeat in the van after we crossed touring paths in
7) Hit The Lights -
Good dudes and good tunes.
8) Person L - Initial
Kenny is a damn good song-writer.
9) Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Although not my favorite Death Cab album, it still deserves top 10.
10) Metallica - Death Magnetic
Meticalla has the ability to write kick ass music while still being a terrible band. Now that's true talent.
Shane Henderson (Vocals) Top 10 of 2008
1. The Glass Passenger - Jacks Mannequin
2. In Rainbows - Radiohead
3. Viva la Vida - Coldplay
4. Brighter Than Creations Dark - Drive By Truckers
6. Carter III - Lil
7. The 59' Sound - The Gaslight Anthem
8. Stay Positive - The Hold Steady
9. Only By the Night by Kings of
10. Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust by Sigur Rós
Max Soria (Drums) Top 10 of 2008
1. Coldplay – Viva la Vida
2. Kings of
3. John Mayer - Continuum
4. Alkaline Trio – Agony and Irony
5. Matt Pryor – Confidence Man
6. The Killers – Day and Age
7. The Ting Tings – We Started Nothing
8. TI – Paper Trail
9. City and Colour – Bring Me Your Love
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