Bocce, Beers and Dogs with Jackets

A Saturday in Nashville beats a good day anywhere else. Continuing our slue of beer-induced and musically- fulfilling activities, Lee led the way to yet another fantastic outing. No, it was not a show, but rather a bocce party hosted by Janet Timmons, creator of the music blog Out the Other, and company. For those of us cooped up in an office building everyday, it was a literal breath of fresh air, to be cliché. Some of those in our party (I won't name names) found it enjoyable to saw wood aggressively and build a manly campfire. Oh yeah, and there was a dog with an LSU jacket on running rampant- priceless. From lumberjacking to well clothed animals, it was just nice to be around good folk on the cutting edge of the music industry. Unbeknownst to us at the time, the party would serve as a precursor for what would later become a 7 a.m. romp with the Louisville-based band, Wax Fang (more on that later.)
Aside from the polite company, extremely intense competition, delicious hours dourves and beer, was seemingly unmatchable music conversation. Everyone in that backyard knew music and some even played music. Among those present were members of the band And The Relatives. Although they showed up late, they could still throw a mean bocce ball. And The Relatives recently played the Out the Other and Indie Ghetto sponsored "8 off 8th" music showcase. However, the show occurred on Monday, the day our Nashville extravaganza was to end. We at Stark hope everything went well for Janet and those billed to play. Stay tuned, Wax Fang is coming up next.
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