Meh to you, Jack White.
So here it is. I didn’t think the Friday Raconteurs show at Terminal 5 was that good. Don’t get me wrong—it was good. It just wasn’t that good. I left feeling disappointed. Perhaps it’s because the past two times I’ve seen them, I’ve been blown away. Or maybe I’ve just never seen a show at Terminal 5 before. Really though, the bottom line, at least for me, is that Jack White makes or breaks a Raconteurs concert...

The second-worst part was the bizarre mirror set up on stage presumably just for Jack White; the worst part was how he kept gazing into it. I’m praying there was some sort of intended irony there? Or maybe he was more in the mood to noodle around in his bedroom in front of the mirror, playing with his new toys and practicing his rock face, than to actually play a rock show. (Wouldn’t blame him.) Either way, I found it utterly baffling. If you think I’m being harsh, I am. The concert had moments of greatness. The keyboardist’s fiddling on “Old Enough” gave me rockshow goosebumps. Brendan Benson nailed “Shades of Black” with that voice of his. I even managed to find my 5’2” self a step by the bar to stand on, so I could actually see. It just could have been better. I love the Raconteurs, and they’re a kickass band. Is there really anything so wrong with expecting the world?
Tara McCarthy Contributing Writer to Stark
Photo Credit: Ryan Dombal, Play Vicious.
meh, that was a great show!
The reason why he "seemed" to be looking in the mirror is because his copper mic is situated right in front of it. He wasn't actually looking in it admiring himself, his mic is right there. I don't know the purpose of the mirror though.
I agree with most of this, Jack's guitar sounded too low in the mix
I think this is the first review I truly agree with. I saw the Racs on their first tour around - incredible! Although I enjoyed the T5 show, I came away disappointed. I felt that Jack White was bent on taking the spotlight off himself. Many people love the Raconteurs because of Jack White. But we also love the fact that Jack found 3 fucking amazing musicians to form a band with. So it's all good.... let it be about Jack. We love him in this band. We're here to see you, Jack, and what you can do with these other awesome music makers.
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