To all you U.K.'ers out there, first of all thanks for reading. We see your blips on our Google Analytics statistics and they are much appreciated. As it stands, our readership is strongest in London. If you are in an outlying region of the U.K. and think London natives are Wankers, please read more. Man Utd. and Liverpool fans we are looking to you.
To the topic at hand — the 2008 Field Day festival to be held in Victoria Park (East London) Aug. 9, recently announced their artist line up. Some of Stark's favorites are billed to play including, but not limited to: Laura Marling, Les Savy Fav, Of Montreal, Noah and the Whale, Dan Deacon, Fionn Regan, Lightspeed Champion, The Field and more.
If we had any money to our names and or if we were unemployed, Stark would be on the next flight — but alas, we are poor as a result of being underpaid. Tell those artists we say hi though.
To the topic at hand — the 2008 Field Day festival to be held in Victoria Park (East London) Aug. 9, recently announced their artist line up. Some of Stark's favorites are billed to play including, but not limited to: Laura Marling, Les Savy Fav, Of Montreal, Noah and the Whale, Dan Deacon, Fionn Regan, Lightspeed Champion, The Field and more.
If we had any money to our names and or if we were unemployed, Stark would be on the next flight — but alas, we are poor as a result of being underpaid. Tell those artists we say hi though.
After the jump.
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