Stark has enjoyed watching certain acts from all over the nation strive for immediate, Black Kids-like fame. Alas, they're not all that lucky.
From Nashville to Chicago to NYC, Stark has highlighted a few performers we hope to see (won't be able to see 'em all.)
- Caitlin Rose - Ezra Furman - De Novo Dahl - Gang Gang Dance - Lykke Li - Deerhoof - Crystal Castles - mr. Gnome - Sam Champion - Wye Oak - Chairlift - Beach House - Death Vessel - Dent May- Marissa Nadler and tons more.
Full CMJ line up after the jump. Selected concert times to come.
(k)nights On Earth * 1090 Club * 13ghosts * 2AM Club * 30H3! * 77 Klash * 88-Keys * A BIG YES and a small no * A Brief Smile * A Faulty Chromosome * A Place to Bury Strangers * A. Pinks * Aa * Aaron Thomas * The Abdomen * Abigail Warchild * Aceyalone * Adam Heldring * Adept * Adventure * Afghan Raiders * Agallah * Aggrolites * AIDS Wolf * AK-1200 * Akimbo * Akudama * Al James The Unfazed * Al James the Unfazed and Tenlons Fort * The Albertans * Alex Diaz y Son de la Calle * Ali Eskandarian * Ali Vegas * Alina Simone * All The Saints * The Alright Ma's * Amanda Diva (host) * Amazing Baby * Ambulance LTD * America's Sweetheart * The Amity Front * Amy Miles * An Albatross * An American Chinese * An Horse * Andrea Gibson * Andrew Collberg * Andrew Gerardi Band * Andrew Gibson * Andrew Hoover * Ane Brun * Animal Farm featuring Mic Crenshaw * Animal Hands * Animate Objects * Annie Lynch and the Beekeepers * Annuals * Another Black Day * The Answer * Anthony Green * Apache Beat * Ape School * The Apes * Apollo Heights * Apollo Run * Arabian Prince * Arbouretum * Ari Gold * Ari Up and the True Warriors * Arkadelphia * The Arms * Army Navy * Arsonists Get All The Girls * The Art of Shooting * Arum Rae * As Tall As Lions * As Tall As Lions * Asa Ransom * Au * Au * Audrye Sessions * Auntkeke * Autodrone * Autovaughn * Averkiou * Aviette * Awesome New Republic * The Awkward Stage * Ayurveda * B.O.B. * Backseat Goodbye * Bad Veins * Bailiff * Bamboo Shoots * Bang Bang Eche * Barton Carroll * Battle Circus * Bazaar Royale * Beach House * Bear Hands * Bear In Heaven * Bear Number 141 * Bearsuit * Bedtyme357 * Bel Air * Bell * The Belleville Outfit * Ben Arnold * Ben Burgess Band * Ben Weaver * Benji Cossa * Best Friends Forever * Beyondo * Big Ears & Courage * Big Gunz * Bill Mike Band * Biodesel M02 DJ Tucci * Bird To Prey * Bird To Prey * Bisc 1 * BISON b.c. * The Black & White Years * Black Clouds * The Black Hollies * Black Ice * Black Joe Lewis * Black Milk * Black Taxi * Blackmarket * Blackstrap * Blind Pilot * Blitz The Ambassador * The Blizzards * Blonde Acid Clut * Bloodgroup * The Blooms * Blu & Mainframe (as Johnson & Johnson) * The Blue Van * BM Linx * Boat People * The Boat People * Bodega Girls * Bomb The Bass * Bonne Aparte * Bottle Up & Go * The Bowmans * The Box Social * Brak * Breaking Laces * Brent Amaker and the Rodeo * Bret Mosley * Bridges and Powerlines * Brighton MA * The Broadfield Marchers * Broken Social Scene * The Broken West * The Bronx * The Bronzed Chorus * Brooke Waggoner * The Brother Kite * The Brought Low * Brown Dog Jonez * Brown Shoe * Bryan Scary and The Shredding Tears * Buddahead * Buddy * Build * Bumblebeez * Bury Your Dead * Cactus's * Cadence * Caitlin Moe * Caitlin Rose * Cale Parks * California King * Canada * Canasta * The Canon Logic * Capitol K * The Capstan Shafts * Captain Coconut * Carcrashlander * Carlon * Carlotta * Carolyn Alroy * The Carps * The Carribean * Cars Can Be Blue * Casiokids * The Cassidy Project * Castanets * Catalepsy * Catcall * Cause Co-motion! * Cereal Killa * Chachi & Trenton Street Rockers * Chairlift * Chana Rothman * Change The Station * The Chapin Sisters * Chappo * Charles Burst * Charles Hamilton * Charlie Louvin * Charlie Mars * Charlie Pickett * Charm City Devils * Che Grand * Check Out the Tits on Tituba * Cheeseburger * Cherry S/T * Chester French * Chester French * Chewing Pics * Child Bite * Children * Chris Abad * Chris Bathgate * Chris Bergson * Chris Brokaw * Chris Leo's Vague Angels * Chris Mills * Chris Nathan * Chris Pureka * Christopher Barnes * Chuck E Costa * Cinema Cinema * City Center * Classixx * Clearview * Cloud 9 * Cloud Cult (Acoustic) * The Coast * The Coathangers * Coheed & Cambria * Cola Freaks * Colin Smith * Collin Monroe * Comic Book Heroes * Company of Thieves * Continental Divide * The Contrast * The Cool and Deadly * Cool Kids * Cordero * Cory Chisel * Cory Chisel & the Wandering Souls * Cotton Jones * Cotton Jones Basket Ride * The Crash Motive * The Cringe * Crocodiles * Crystal Antlers * Crystal Castles * Crystal Stilts * Cuchillo * Cut Off Your Hands * CYNE (DJ set) * Dallas Austin * Dam Funk * Dan Evans * Dan Torres * Daniel Merriweather * Dara * Darkest Hour * Dashah * Dave Doobinin * Dave Smallen * David Banner * DD/MM/YY * Dead Heart Bloom * Dead Leaf Echo * Dead Men Dreaming * Dead Prez * Deadbeat Darling * Deanna Devore * Dear Everything * Dear Thief * The Dears * Deastro * Death Vessel * Deerhoof * Del McCoury Band * Delays * Dellacane * Delta Fiasco * Delta Spirit * The Delta Spirit * Dent May * Depedro * The Depreciation Guild * Designer Drugs * Device * Dexter Romweber Duo * Die! Die! Die! * Dieselboy * Dirty Fuzz * Distraction * Diz Gibran * Dj Aaron Axelsen * DJ Amylulita * Dj Andre Allen Anjos * DJ Babu * DJ Beverly Bond * DJ Boo * DJ Dub Defender * DJ Hanukkah Miracle * DJ Marcelo Cunning * Dj Mike Dextro * DJ Parler * DJ Pumpkin Patch * DJ Rekha * DJ Ruckus * DJ Skeletons * DJ Soulscape * DJ Spinna * DJ Sucio Smash * DJ Sugarfree * DJ Wonder * Djs invisible Kid * DJs Jake D and Boyhollow * DJs Mick Boogie & Benzi * DJs Nickodemus & OBaH * DMBQ * DMZ * Don Juan Dracula * Donavon Frankenreiter * Donny Goines * Donovan Quinn & the 13th Month * Doug Gillard * Doug Paisley * Drag On * Dragons of Zynth * The Dreadful Yawns * Dred Scott Trio * Dri * Duchess Says * Dujeous * The Duke Spirit * Dungen * Duquette Johnston * Dust Jacket * The Dutchess & The Duke * Dynah * Eagle Seagull * Earth Eater * Ebony Bones * Eclectic Method * Ecstatic Sunshine * Edan The DJ/Egon * The Egg * El Jezel * The Element * Elephone * Elizabeth ! * Elizabeth Willis * Elk City * Ellen Cherry * The Emeralds * Emillio Rojas * Emily Simone * Emmy the Great * Empire ISIS * The End Of The World * Endless Boogie * The Envy Corps * Envy On the Coast * Eren Cannata * Esso * Etan * The Ettes * Eugene Franicis Jr. and The Juniors * Eulogies * Eulogies * Eve to Adam * everybody out * Everybodyfields * Evidence * Evidence * Ex Norwegian * Ex Reverie * Excepter * Experimental Dental School * Ezekiel Honigc * Ezra Furman and the Harpoons * Fake Problems * Fanfarlo * Fastest Rapper Alive Contest * Faunts * Favourite Sons * Fear Nuttin Band * Festival * Fiasco * Fight Bite * Fighting With Wire * Figo * Finn Riggins * The Fire and Reason * Fires of Rome * First Cousin * Five Finger Death Punch * Flying * Folk and Stress * Forever * The Forms * Four Trips Ahead * Frances * Francis & The Lights * Franki Chan * Free Sol * Free Sol * French Horn Rebellion (FHR) * Fresh Daily * Fresh Kills * The Friday Night Boys * Friendly Fires * Front Page * Frontier Ruckus * Fujiya & Miyagi * G-spot * Game Rebellion * Gang Gang Dance * Gangi * The Gay Blades * George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars * Gerd Baier and Phillip Gutbrod * Ghost Front * Gigantic * Gillen & Turk * Gilles Vonsattel * The Giraffes * The Giraffes * Girls Like Cigarettes * giveamanakick * The Glad Version * Glasser * Gliss * Global Hip-Hop Throwdown hosted by Pharoahe Monch * Go Motion * God Forbid * Goes Cube * Gold Streets * Good Times Crisis Band * Goodbye Picasso * Graeme K. * Grafh & Prinz * Grammer Debate * Grand Avenue * Great Lakes * Greg Camp * Gregory Miles Harris * Greycoats * Gringo Star * Gringo Star * The Grip Weeds * Growing * Ha Ha Tonka * Haale * Hackman * Haircut * Hakim * The Handcuffs * Happy Anarchy * The Happy Hollows * The Hard Lessons * Havok * HeartsRevolution * Heathers * Heavy Hands * Hecuba * Heidi Happy * Heist at Hand * The Helio Sequence * Heloise and the Savoir Faire * Henny C * Hermit Thrushes * Hexes & Ohs * Hey Rosetta! * Higgins * High Places * The High Wire * HO-AG * Holidays of Seventeen * Holler Wild Rose * Hollywood Holt * Home and Garden * Home Video * Homeboy Sandman * The Homosexuals * Honey LaRochelle * The Hong Kong Blood Opera * The Hood Internet * Hooray For Humans * Hopewell * Hospital Bombers * The Hosts * Hot Cha Cha * Hot Lava * Hot Panda * Hotel Lights * Hottub * Housing Authority * The Howlies * Howlies * HR (Bad Brains) * HR record Release * The Hundred Days * Hype Of The States * Hypernova * I Wrestled A Bear Once * I'm Not Jim * Ian Axel * Ifwhen * Ill Bill * Iller Than Theirs * Imaginary Johnny * Immortal Technique * In This Moment * Ingrid Olava * Inlets * Invizzibl Men * Iran * Irata * Ironweed * Israel Ripka * Its Not You Its Me * IY * Izza Kizza * J-Messinian * J-Ronin * J.Rocc * The Jacks * jacksonknife * Jah Dan & Noble Society * Jake Morris Group * James Fucking Friedman * James Jackson Toth * James LaVelle * James Maddock * James Pants * Janelle Monae * Japandroids * Japanese Motors * Jared Mees and The Grown Children * Javelina * Jay Nash * Jay Reatard * Jay Retard * Jealous Girlfriends * The Jealous Girlfriends * Jeans Team * Jeff London * Jeff Stephens * Jeff Taylor * Jen Lasher * Jeremy Dawson (Shiny Toy Guns) * Jesse Dee * Jesse Ruben * Jessica Lea Mayfield * Jihae * Joan Osbourne * Joanne Erdos and the Midnight Party * Joe Pug * Joel Plaskett Emergency * Joell Ortiz * Joemca & Poets * John Biz * Johnny Foreigner * The Johns * Jon Meyers * Jonah Smith * Jonezetta * Jonny Meyers and The Band From Queens * Jose Conde Y Ola Fresca * Josh Charles * Josh Martinez * Judgement Day * Juiceboxxx * Jukebox the Ghost * Juliana Hatfield * Julianna Barwick * Julie Ocean * Julius C * June Star * Jungle Brothers * Junk Science * Jupiter One * Just Live * Justin Townes Earle * Kae Sharp * KaiserCartel * Kakkmaddafakka * Karkwa * Kate Tucker and the Sons of Sweden * Katie Buchanan * Katy Pfaffl * Kazua Band * Keegan DeWitt * Kelly Blair Bauman * Kevin Devin and Goddamed Band * Ki: Theory * Kid Dakota * Kid Theodore * Kid:Nap:Kin * Kidz in the Hall * Kim Taylor * King Darves * The King Left * King Reign * King Tuff * Kirsten Ketser * Klimek * Konqistador * Koufax * Kria Brekkan * Kuroma * La La Brooks * La Strada * Labeling Deloris * Lacona * Lady Dottie and the Diamonds * The Ladybug Transistor * Laika and the Cosmonauts * Lail Arad * Land Of Talk * Late Of The Pier * Laura Barrett * Laura Gibson * Laura Gibson * Laura Warshauer * Lauren Flax * Le Caution * Le Concorde * Leah Siegel * Lee Boys * Lee Scratch Perry * Left to Vanish * Lemonade * Lemonade * Len Xiang * Leopold and his Fiction * Leslie Mendelson * Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez * Levi Weaver * Lewis and Clarke * Lick Lick * Lieutenant Marscapone * Life and Times * Lights * Lights Resolve * Lindsay Katt Rachel Platten & Madi Diaz * Linfinity * Lionel Neykov * Lisa Bianco * The Lisps * Lissy Trullie * Little Boots * Little Brother * The Little Death NYC * Little Jackie * Little Teeth * Lizzy Grant * Local Sound Style * Loer Velocity * Loki the Grump * The Lolligags * The London Souls * Longwave * Looker * The Loom * Loquat * Lord T and Eloise * Los Fancy Free * Los Straightjackets * Louis XIV * Love As Laughter * Love Automatic * LoveLikeFire * The Lovely Feathers * The Lovely Sparrows * The Low Anthem * Lozen * Lucciano * Lucinda Black Bear * Lucius * Lucky Soul * Luke Temple * Lukestar * Luxa * Lykke Li * Lymbic System * M16 * Mad Staring Eyes * Made Out Of Babies * Madison South * Madlib * The Mae Shi * Magic Magic * Magnetic Morning * Mahogany * Mancino * Mandred * Mangu * Maniqui Lazer * Marching Band * Marco Benevento * Margot and the Nuclear So-and-Sos * Marisa Mini * Marissa Hanson * Marissa Nadler * The Mark Inside * Mark Ronson (DJ Set) * Marnie Stern * Mason Proper * Matt Bauer * Matt Duke * Matt Keating * Matt Morris * Matt York * Maurice Davis Band * Max ZT * Me Talk Pretty * Meika Pauley * Menya * The Mercury Seed * Meta and The Cornerstones * Metal Marathon * Metermaids * Metis * Mia Riddle * Micachu * Micachu & the Shapes * Micah Dalton * Michael And Marisa * Michael Daves * Michael Zapruder * Michael Zapruder * Mickey Factz * Mickey Factz * Middle Distance Runner * Midfall Drive * The Midway State * Mike Bones * Mike Castro * Mike Falzone * Mike G. and Sammie B (Jungle Brothers) * Mike Simonetti * Mikey Wax * Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson * Miniature Tigers * Minus the Bear * Miracles of Modern Science * Mirah * Miss Li * Mobius Collective * Modern Skirts * The Moi Non Plus * Monareta * Moneen * Monocle * Monotonix * The Mood * More Amor * The Morning Pages * Mostly Bears * Motel Motel * Motel Motel * Mother Mother * mr. Gnome * Mr. Reo * Mudville * Muggabears * The Mugs * Mugwump * Mumpsy * Murder Mystery * The Music Tapes * The Muslims * MuthaWit * Mutiny * My Imaginary Friends * My Mortality * My Teenage Stride * Myles Turney * Mystery of Two * Mythical Beast * The Nadas * NADAstrom * Nakatomi Plaza * The Naked And Famous * Natalie Portman's Shaved Head * Natalie Walker * Nathan Angelo * Nathaniel Hoho and the Click Clack Boom * Nation Beat * Needers & Givers * Nelo * Nels Andrews * Netherfriends * The New Surreal * New Villager * Nickel Eye * Night Horse * Nina B * Ninjasonik * No Kids * Noa Babayof * Noisettes * Norris * The Northern * Novillero * Nucomme * Nudge * Nuriya * Nuuro * NY Oil * NYCSmoke * Nyle * Oakley Hall * The Octagon * Octopus Project * Oddysey & I-Cue * One Block Radius * One For The Team * One Trick Pony * Other Lives * Other Lives * Outasight * Outernational * Ovum * Oxford Collapse * P. Casso * Pacific Division * The Pack A.D. * Padre Pio * The Pains of Being Pure at Heart * Pale Young Gentlemen * Palomar * Papertrigger * Paramount Styles (feat Scott McCloud and Paul Cantelon) * Park Avenue Music * The Parties * Party Animals * Passenger * Passion Pit * Pat McGee * Patrick Droney * Pattern is Movement * Paula Newwoman * Peachcake * Peephole * Pegasuses-XL * Pela * People Noise * People Under The Stairs * Pepi Ginsberg * Pete and J * The Phenomenal Handclap Band * Phil and the Osophers * Phillip Eno * Phosphorescent * The Photo Atlas * The Physics of Meaning * The Picture * Picture Picture * Pictures and Sound * Pie Boys Flat * The Pimps of Joytime * pit-er-pat * Pity Party * Po' Girl * Poingly * The Poison Control Center * Ponderosa * Pontiak * Ponytail * Pop Static and PGDM DJ set * Portastatic * Portastic * PPP * The Pragmatic * Pre * Preacher and the Knife * Pretty and Nice * Pretty Good Dance Moves * Princeton * Professor Pez * Project Jenny Project Jan * Proton * Psychic llls * The psychic paramount * Psyopus * PWRFL Power * Q Tha Prophet * QQQ * Rachael Sage & The Sequins * Rachelle van Zanten * Radio 4 * Radio Luxembourg * Radioclit * Rahim * Rahsaan * Rain * Rainbow Arabia * Randall Bramblett * Ravens & Chimes * Raye 6 * Readymade Breakup * Real Ones * Rebekah Higgs * Recover * Red Lotus * Red Wanting Blue * Reed Waddle * Reggie Watts * Reminbi * Remo Da Superstar * Restavrant * RewBee * Rhymefest * Ribs * Rich Girls * Riddenpaa * The Right Ons * Ringo Deathstarr * Rings * Rio en Medio * Rit Mo Collective * Roadsaw * Rob Da Bank * Rob Walmart * Robin Horlock * Rocketship Park * Rockin Squatt * Roisin Murphy * Roll The Tanks * Rong Music & DFA * The Rosebuds * Roxbury * Royal Bangs * The Royal Chains * Royal Vagabonds * The Royalties * Ruby Rivers * The Ruby Suns * Ruby Suns * Rumspringa * Rustlanders * The Rustles * Ryan Auffenberg * The Sad Little Stars * Said The Whale * Salt & Samovar * Sam Bisbee * Sam Champion * Sam Keenan * Sam Scarfo * The Sammies * Sara Watkins * Sarah Fullen & the Stanleys * Sarah Solovay * Sasha Dobson * The Satellite Nation * Sav Killz * Saves the Day * Savoir Adore * sBACH * Scars On Broadway * Scissors for Lefty * Scouting for Girls * Screen Vinyl Image * Screens * The Sea * The Seabellies * Sean Price * Sebastian Grainger & The Mountains * Second Dan * Secret Guest * The Secret Life of Sofia * See You Next Tuesday * The Selfsame * Semi Precious Weapons * Serena * Seth Kallen & The Reaction * Settle * Sgt Dunbar and the Hobo Banned * Sha Stimuli * The Shackeltons * Shad * The Shalants * Shame Club * Shannon McArdie * Shawn Jackson * Shelley Green * Shellshag * SHINING * The Shiny Brights * Shiny Toy Guns * Shiragirl * The Shivers * Shout Out Out Out Out * Show Me Action * Shugo Tokumaru * Sian Alice Group * Sic Osyrus * The Silent League * The Silent Years * The Silos * Simon Boyar * Simon Says No! * Singing DJ Jens Lekman * Sister Suvi * Sisters 3 * Skeletonbreath * Skillz * Skriptkeeper * Sky Cries Mary * Skyzoo * Slang Chickens * Sleeperstar * The Smittens * The Snake Trap * Snowman * Snowman * So Many Dynamos * So Percussion * The So So Glos * Sohodolls * Soko * Sole and Skyrider Band * Soma * Sons of Bill * Soul Wax * Soundpool * Sounds Under Radio * Southside Johnny w/ the LaBamba Big Band: Songs of Tom Waits * Spanish Prisoners * Spirit Of The Falcon-XL * Springhouse * Squaaks * St. Laz * Stalkers * Standard of Living * Starcode * Starling Electric * Stars Like Fleas * Stars Of Track And Field * Stationary Set * Stepanian * Stetsasonic (w/Prince Paul) * Steve Burns and The Struggle * Stook! * The Subjects * Suckers * Sundelles * Sunny Day Glasgow * The Sunstreak * Supa Nova Slom * Super XX Man * Surprise Guests * Susan Enan * Suzanna Choffel * Swati * Sweet Water * Sydney Wayser * Sylvie * T!Katz * The Takeover UK * Takka Takka * Talib Kweli * Talk To Angels * The Tall Pines * Tanya Morgan * Tara Jane O'Neil * Team Facelift * Team Genius * Team Robespierre * Teedo * The Teenage Prayers * Teenagers * The Telepathic Butterflies * Teletextile * Tender Loving Empire * Tenderhead * Tenlons Fort * Thank You * Thank You For The Drum Machine * That Ghost * Theresa Andersson * These Modern Socks * Thing One * This is Radio Freedom * This or the Apocalypse * This Reporter * Throttlerod * Through the Sparks' Jody Nelson * Thy Will Be Done * Tickley Feather * Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! * Tigercity * Tigers and Monkeys * Tim Blane * Tim Williams * Tiny Animals * Titan * TK Webb & The Visions * Tobacco * Tobias Froberg * Toby Lightman * Todosantos * Tom Schraeder & His Ego * Tombs * Tommy D * Too Many Fish * Totally Michael * The Toxic Avenger * Tractor Operator * Tracy Shedd * Trash Talk * Traz Messiah * Trevor Giuliani * Trevor Menear * Tunnels to Holland * Turkuaz * Twi the Humble Feather * Two Hours Traffic * The Two Man Gentlemen Band * Two Spot Gobi * Tyler James * U G-D * U-N-I * U-N-I * U.S. Christmas * The Uglysuit * Uncensored Interview * Under Your Bead * Underwater Tea Party * Unholy * Unicycle Loves You * Unkle Bob * The Unsacred Hearts * The Valient Arms * Vancougar * VAZ * The Vettes * Via Audio * Viking Moses * Villa Vina * Violens * Violent Sex * Virgin Forest * Virgin Passages * The Virgins * Vitamin-D * Vivian Darkbloom * Vivian Girls * Voodoo Funk * The Voom Blooms * Voyager One * Vreid * Vulture Whale * The WAAW Band * Wale * Wallpaper * Walter Meego * Warship * Watt White * Wax Tailor * We Are Standard * We Are The World * We Versus the Shark * The Weepies * Weird Owl * Wes Jackson (host) * The Wet Secrets * Wetnurse * The Wheel * The Whip * White Lies * White Rainbow * White Shoes & The Couples Company * The Whitsundays * Whomadewho * Wild Light * Wild Sweet Orange * Will Knox * Willard Grant Conspiracy * the Winter Sounds * Women * Wooden Nickle * Woods * Woodwose * Wow & Flutter * Wye Oak * Wzt Hearts * Xtortya * The XYZ Affair * Yas * Yip Yip * Yo Majesty * Yoko * Young Lords * Young Love * Yz * Zack Hagan & 1050 * Zack Weber * Zambri * Zigmat * Zim * Zimbabwe Legit *
Don Juan Dracula are playing in New York on October 24th, 2008.
This is incredible!
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