Wednesday night at the Hammerstein I fought my way through the haze and ho's to catch sight of the King of the South himself, T.I. The ladies screamed, money was thrown, Jamie Foxx guested and T.I. was looking fine as hell while he sauntered around the stage waving his Louis and Gucci rags. Not only is Mr. TIP a consummate southern gentleman (the end of his set was spent forever thanking everyone he knew), he also enjoys talking his shirt off, flinging sweat soaked towels at ladies, and being hot. In conclusion... T.I. = Y.U.M.
P.S: some of the "sweat soaked towels" were rubbed on his crotch.
CROTCH SWEAT TOWELS. Now going for 50 bucks on eBay!
More photos of hotness and Jamie Foxx after the jump...

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