We used to have a sweet Fever Ray post I could direct you to, but the DCMA and Blogger took down -- not only the mp3, but also our original writing that went along with it. Yeah, we're bitter. But not to be dismayed, Fever Ray's self titled record comes out today on Mute, who seems to be all over our blog the past few days. The music contained within the excellent packaging, is a stark landscape of sounds, melodies and eerie darkness. Fever Ray is accessible in ways that the Knife's music is not, but strangely unaccessible in its subtleness and understated moments that require a listeners' concentration. You may not want to throw this record on when you're on your way to your spring kickball fest in Prospect Park, but it certainly rewards during the late night hours when you're trying to scare the shit out of the person in bed with you. Try it. But seriously though - this record is great.
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