There is a good chance that after seeing the Wild Yaks live, we will be changed people. According to several very reputable sources (thanks John and Sheryl) this new punk/rock/americana band from Brooklyn is not to be missed. Fader has taken to begging folks to get out to one of these shows. Who are we to say no? To be sure, we're not experts on the band's background, but we don't really give a shit - it's not that important. What is important, is the guarantee that when you see this band live: A. They will probably be wasted. B. You will probably get wasted. C. There will be yelling, singalongs, dancing and awesomeness. D. It will be a superb time. It's sort of like if The Replacements met the Black Lips and kicked the shit out of 1994 Jay Farrar. (Sorry Jay). They play Cameo on Sunday night 7/19 and Glasslands 7/25. See you there.
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