File this one in the "thank god for the internet" file. A friend sent this album to us last week, and it's been essential listening ever since. The Swinging Mademoiselle compilation is one of those records that you don't really want to know the back story on, and honestly, we haven't even looked it up. It's so great the way it is -- you don't want to wreck it. If you, the reader, feel like doing the research on this collection, by all means go forth. For us, it's all about the tunes, which include covers of "Sloop John B" (above) and "Paint it Black." The comp is filled with reverb, attitude, rock and melody. Here's to hoping you enjoy it as much as we are. Go to Spiked Candy who has more info and all the music. We're pretty sure this is a vinyl only rip, and it looks like there are a lot of imitations out there, so make sure you're getting the real deal. Thanks to "anonymous friend" and Spiked Candy.
This is a gem. Well done, anonymous friend. I don't care about the backstory either.
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