Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Secret Identity of Karp Revealed...

...On the cover of the new 30 Seconds to Mars record? Yes folks. It's true. Stark photog Karp's lovely mug graces the cover of one of 1,000 covers of the new 30 Seconds to Mars records shipped worldwide. While we couldn't hate the band with greater vigor, this is really fucking cool! Congrats Karp on being at once so indie, yet so godawfully emo at one time. Aren't you and Andrew going to a Brand New concert soon or something?


Andrew Daniels said...

HEY, I may not be able to post frequently, but I still read what you jerks write. JERK.


karp said...

bite me... and TAKE THIS SHIT DOWN NOW!... SECOND most... leave andrew and I to our mutal love affair with long island bands of awesomeness alone... don't make me fight you... i will win.

Tim said...

official stark response to all personal threats. as delivered by darrel "the rock" johnson. deal with it and have a nice day!! :-)

karp said...

mr. sir legthigh, you forget i'm italian and my father is in "windows"... i don't make threats i make promises.

your video deserves this response if only for making me listen to failed wrestler/actors sing poorly.

ooo and because i love you.. (orrr james lipton's beard speaks!)