Friday, July 22, 2011

This Just In . . . Alex Winston 'Velvet Elvis'

As a fellow Winston, it's easy for me to get behind Alex Winston's new Velvet Elvis EP. On September 13, the 22-year-old Detroiter will offer a taste of what's to come from her forthcoming 2012 full-length release through Island UK.

Winston has a baby-doll squeak in her voice they could be cloying if it wasn't hoisting lyrics like "slice my starry eye / light his coat in turpentine / kill the bitch that bats an eye / at Elvis." The arrangement on the EP's title strike a similar balance. She pays off a few potentially tired indie-pop tropes  (glock, side sticks) with some groovy `70's horns and . . . is that a banjo in there?

Well played Winston.



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